Synopsis: This novel takes place on a future earth in which a species of aliens have invaded earth and they are taking over the minds of humans while leaving their bodies intact. Wanderer, an invading "soul" has been placed inside the body of Melanie Stryder and Melanie refuses to fade away and give up possession of her body.
As Melanie fills Wanderer's mind with visions of Jared, the human who Melanie loves, Wanderer yearns for a man she has never met.
Reluctant allies, Melanie and Wanderer set off to search for the man that they both love.
Alright.... its review time! I was very hesitant to read this book at first because the author is Stephanie Meyer, the author of the Twilight Saga. I found the hardcover edition for $7.99 online and I thought I would give it a try. I seriously regret not buying it sooner!
The world building, plot, and characters were all phenomenal! Wanderer aka Wanda is one of the most amazing aliens I have ever read about. Her selflessness, humour, and history make her very unique and I was rooting for her through the whole book. On the other hand, Melanie is impulsive, very sarcastic and determined which makes Mel and Wanda almost complete opposites but as the book progresses, you get to see the two of them work together and you get to watch their friendship blossom which I was very happy about.
The strong female protagonists were amazing, but boy! Some of them dudes..... ;) *cough* Jared *cough* Ian..... haha
Jared's protectiveness and love for Mel was adorable and it broke my heart seeing him in pain over Mel and her "disappearance" when Wanda took over. At the end of the book when Wanda was removed, Meyer wrote about how Mel and Jared could never be separated and how cute they were together. I loved to read about them when Wanda wasn't present! Also near the end of the book when Wanda is going to visit Doc to get removed form Mel's body, Jared stops Wanda on her way and Wanda asks him to tell her a lie before she dies. You got to see how Jared even grew to love Wanda by the end of the book. That part brought tears to my eyes.
Now... Ian.... this guy.... was.... *swoons*.... magnificent. When I started the book I seriously could not imagine anyone falling for Wanda. No offence to her or anything but i thought the book was just gonna go on and on about Wanda's attraction to Jared and about how she couldn't have him, blah blah blah. I think what took me by surprise was the strong love Ian felt for Wanda and how open he was about it. Each time Ian and Jared would start to argue about Mel/Wanda's safety always had me laughing. At the end when Wanda tells Ian that she will always be in love with him and that he will always be her partner melted my heart. I swear I almost died :)
Also Jamie, Melanie's little brother was one of my favourite characters. His innocence and understanding added a new dynamic and he was the sweetest character in the whole book. His perspective on everything was so simple and straightforward, yet he was very responsible and mature of this age. Plus we share the same name soooo, it is obvious that he is pretty cool! :)
I highly recommend this book and I can't wait for Stephanie Meyer to release the sequel!
Happy Reading nerds and sound off in the comments with your perspective on this book!